Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s
(ASMFC) Role in Regulating the Chesapeake Bay
- Any change in fishing quotas proposed by the ASMFC can only occur after adequate public hearings are held in the states whose quotas will be reduced.
- Every state ASMFC Compact will have at least one seafood industry representative as a voting member of the commission.
- An independent/peer-reviewed socio-economic study must be done to determine the actual authority and impact of fishery rules enacted by the ASMFC.
Water Quality/Pollution Abatement
- All major water quality reports on the Chesapeake Bay will be reviewed by DFA’s Water Quality Committee to determine the actual condition of the Chesapeake Bay.
- Discover where sources of pollution originate and cooperate with all parties to find a way to reduce pollution.
- Challenge lack of enforcement to the Bay’s largest sources of pollution
- Provide education on the fishing industry as true stewards of renewable and sustainable marine resources.
Government Management
of Living Marine Resources
- Enact a moratorium on the issuance of any new fishing regulation until significant efforts are made to bring all stakeholders to the table.
- Create an industry/state/federal committee to address all fishing issues currently creating suspicions of all government regulations and the process used for enactment.
- Use the fishing industry knowledge on critical habitats and proper oyster replenishment of the Bay.
- Government must devote time and effort to solving the oyster and crab issues as the first order of business.