Blue Catfish
USDA response to DFA comments on Blue Catfish regulations (September 14, 2017 USDA Letter).
New federal regulation of blue catfish may be eased
Bay Journal, August 25, 2017
Shore fishermen fight federal catfish regulations
The Star Democrat, August 13, 2017
USDA rules on wild harvested Catfish must be repealed
Bob Jones, Southeastern Fisheries Association, July 27, 2017
New rules threaten growing blue cat industry
WYPR (public radio), July 19, 2017
MD CATFISH INDUSTRY IMPERILED: In recent years, Chesapeake watermen and seafood processors have begun developing a market for blue catfish, that invasive species that has exploded in regional waters vacuuming up baby blue crabs, shad, striped bass and other economically important fish. But new USDA inspection rules that hold foreign imports to U.S. standards could threaten that growing market, Pamela D’Angelo reports for WYPR. And you can blame it all on Mississippi Congressman Thad Cochran, who was trying to protect local catfish farmers who were feeling the pressure of Asian imports.
USDA response to DFA comments on Blue Catfish regulations (September 14, 2017 USDA Letter).
BLUE CATFISH REGS: Chesapeake Bay watermen and processors who handle blue catfish – an invader eating its way through the Potomac and several other major river systems – may face a less burdensome federal inspection process than they expected when a long-anticipated regulation goes into effect, the Bay Journal’s Rona Kobell writes for MarylandReporter. August 31, 2017