October 7, 2020

Resolution and Petition by the Members of the Oyster Advisory Commission (OAC)

A Resolution and Petition by the Members of the Oyster Advisory Commission (OAC)
who by their appointment represent the wild public oyster fishery and allied organizations urging
the Department of Natural Resources, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences
and OAC facilitators to (i) reconsider the format of meetings to better enable participation and
foster constructive dialogue, (ii) ensure equal time for industry stakeholder input and pertinent
agenda topics, and (iii) reaffirm the OAC’s reliance on proven, peer-reviewed science and
documented evidence pertinent to oyster restoration and replenishment in Chesapeake Bay.

Click on the link below to download a full copy of the resolution.

Oyster Fishery Resolution by OAC Members – September 25, 2020

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