Informal Webinar Presentation: Striped Bass Draft Amendment 7

March 24: 6–8 p.m.
On Thursday, March 24, 2022, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources will conduct an informational webinar in preparation for Atlantic Striped Bass Draft Amendment 7 public hearing.
The Atlantic Striped Bass Draft Amendment 7 of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) proposes options to address the following issues: management triggers, recreational release mortality, stock rebuilding plan, and conservation equivalency.
These issues were identified during the public scoping process for the Atlantic Striped Bass Amendment 7 as critically important to help rebuild the stock and update the management program.
This informational presentation is intended to focus on the elements of the Atlantic Striped Bass Draft Amendment 7 and provide guidance to Maryland constituents in order to facilitate effective public comment on the Atlantic Striped Bass Draft Amendment 7.
This Webinar will be conducted on Thursday, March 24, 2022 from 6–8 p.m. and can be accessed through the following connection information:
Or by phone: 1-252-424-0122 PIN: 578751100#
For more information or questions please contact Simon Brown of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources